my favorite things in rva

If you are new to Richmond or just have not gotten out in awhile, allow me to share some of the things, I love about the RVA.

As a cyclist, I love to ride the back roads of Hanover and King William counties. However that’s not always the safest place to be and not a great place to learn to ride. I love that the Virginia Capital Trail is nearby and have used it’s entire length. There are plenty of places to park and ride different sections of the trail. Two great places to grab a bit to eat would be Ronnie’s BBQ in eastern Henrico or the Courthouse Café at the Courthouse in Charles City. If you want a quick but fun tour of Richmond try and see the city from a Segway. I have tried the Landmark tour as well as Hollywood Cemetery and highly recommend both.

If it is the weekend after Memorial Day then you must check out the Greek Festival at the Greek Orthodox Church, 30 Malvern Ave. Come early as it get’s crowded. But the people watching and live entertainment make it worthwhile.

Although I enjoy going to the city to eat, either the Fan or Churchill, my favorite Italian Restaurant is in Mechanicsville. Both the food and the service are over the top.

Another area that has great restaurants would be Scotts Addition. When I was growing up it was shops that….I follow Scotts Addition on Instagram to keep up with all that is trending there.

Speaking of trending we can’t talk RVA w/o mentioning Wineries and Breweries. The Hoff located in Scott’s addition has a roof top bar where you can sample some of the local stuff or even international if you want to. Of the local wineries I like Saudi Creek and New Kent winery. Both are in New Kent County and makes for an easy one two for visiting and tasting. Any more than that, please make sure to have a DD.

Sometimes you just need to get outside and walk. In Richmond we are blessed to have the James River Park system with plenty of walking and riding trails. We sometimes go to Belle Isle in the summer to swim and wade in the waters of the James to cool off and get some sun. Chimbarazo Park also has great views of the river and downtown from Churchill. A great spot for a picnic if the weather is nice.


Story time


Love in a hot market